Almost every organ, nerve, tissue and even cells play a vital role in our body. Hence, it is no surprise that liver, the heaviest internal organ in our body is crucial for our overall wellbeing. The liver performs more than 500 important functions for the body like Protein synthesis, metabolization of fats, and storage of vitamins and minerals. And most important of all, liver is responsible for the detoxification of our body.
In spite of being such a valuable component of our body, we often do not treat our liver kindly. Knowingly or unknowingly, the habits that we have developed are taking a huge toll on our liver. Let us take a look at those which hurt our liver the most.
Not drinking enough water
Water helps our body detoxify. Dehydration is a major problem for our body as our body is composed of 75% water. It affects our liver too as it needs sufficient amount of water to maintain its reserves and function properly. Drinking less water can eventually lead to many problems for the liver.
Alcohol consumption
There is no right amount of alcohol. Each body has different reactions and threshold to alcohol. So even moderate amounts can be worrisome for some people. Mostly, it depends on how overworked the liver is and how much inflammation is already present. Excessive inflammation can lead to cirrhosis and other liver problems.
Apart from being the leading cause of lung cancer, smoking leads to liver cancer as well. The oxidative stress created due to cigarette smoke pressurizes the liver to detoxify the blood, which releases harmful chemicals in the body and ultimately leads to liver cancer. This is one habit we should stop immediately, not just for our liver, but for our entire body’s wellbeing.
High sugar diet
Excessive amount of sugar is as bad to the liver as it is for our blood. Glucose metabolism primarily happens in our liver and high levels of sugar can lead to fat build up in liver. The synthesis of fructose, an active component of junk foods and soft drinks, happens in liver. High consumption of fructose can lead to irreversible liver damage.
Heavy dinners
Like most organs in our body, liver is most active during our sleep. Eating heavy dinners just before sleep can put extra pressure on our liver. Over a period of time, this can significantly damage our liver. Eating light, yet healthy dinners are a great way to ensure the good health of liver.
These are some of the habits that are slowly taking a toll on our liver. To keep our liver healthy, we need to change these mentioned habits sooner or later. We can also boost the health of liver by ensuring the right nutritional supply to our body. HealthAid’s L-Glutathione Tablets contain Glutathione, which is an amino acid with powerful antioxidant properties that contribute to the maintenance of healthy liver and liver cells. This amino acid significantly improves the detoxification process by neutralising toxins, free radicals and by-products of metabolic wastes. Similarly, Milk Thistle Tablets, which contains choline contributes to lipid metabolism and maintenance of normal liver function.
Livercare Tablets from Health aid is another supplement that can immensely contribute to the well-being of your liver. This powerhouse of a supplement is filled to the brim with all the vital nutrients that helps keep your liver healthy. Milk thistle in the tablets is used as a natural treatment for liver problems, as Silymarin, the main ingredient in milk thistle protects the liver from inflammation and oxidative damage. The other ingredients of the tablets include Barberry, which is regarded as a “blood purifier” and helps in narcotic withdrawal, Choline which strengthens the liver against chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, Flavonoids which are aggressive cancer-killing agents that lead to rapid cancer-cell deaths, and Taurine to protect liver cells against free radicals and toxins. It is further complemented by Curcumin, which slows the spread of cancer and makes chemotherapy more effective by protecting healthy cells from damage by radiation therapy.
We may end up paying a high price if we fail to protect our heaviest organ. Therefore, we need to protect our liver by both changing our habits and also meeting the requirements of the right nutrients.
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